The Rain Maker

Radio 4 are repeating The Rain Maker on Wednesday 4th July at 2.15pm. (It was first broadcast 2 years ago.)

James Robinson, Caleb Knightley, Ken Cranham, Joe Dempsie. (From L to R)

The play tells the story of a father and son who take a trip to a cabin in some remote woods to repair their relationship. It is a kind of psychological thriller… There are references to a supernatural world – and I wrote the play after a re-reading of ‘The Golden Bough’ by Sir James Fraser.

We recorded the play in a real forest – and it was not without incident.

The Producer wrote a blog about it, at the time, that can be found HERE

Kenneth Cranham plays the Father. Joe Dempsie plays the son.

(I have previously blogged on this play HERE.)

**Update** – THE RAIN MAKER is being repeated on Radio 4 Extra next week – Wed/Thurs – 9/10th October 2013